My partner and I are in sync. Literally.

Ask any couple what keeps them together–besides “the children” and legal entanglements–and most will say that they “get” each other.

But do they really?

A wife will roll her eyes and say that her husband likes to work on his classic car most Saturdays. Or the husband will say that his wife likes to stand in the kitchen with one leg crooked like a flamingo while eating cottage cheese from the container. Again, that’s just knowing your partner’s likes or quirks.

My husband and I can finish each other’s sentences. We often think exactly the same thing. We even hold hands when watching TV together.

But in Rome years ago, a tiny little event showed that we were truly in sync. Or rather, synchronous.

We were walking along the Tiber one night when we stopped to gaze across at the Fatebenefratelli Hospital, situated on an island in the middle of the river. After a few seconds, we noticed that two street lights on the plaza were blinking on and off at precise intervals. They weren’t blinking in unison–yet–but both of us could see that they were headed that way. We just knew without a word passing between us. We watched with bated breaths.
Blink Blink
Blink. Blink
Blink Blink
Blink. Blink
The lights were getting closer to blinking at the exact same time.

We both erupted in wild cheers, causing a few passersby to crane their necks to see what the fuck was so damn exciting. Seeing nothing, they passed on, shrugging their shoulders.

A pity.

This is what a soulmate is. Truly understanding and connecting. Getting more in sync each day. With just enough differences between us to keep things interesting.